Thursday, September 19, 2019

The hypocrisy of the Green Party here in Oslo

I've translated this article from Vårt Oslo (Our Oslo) from Norwegian to English, so that you can read about the hypocrisy of the Green Party politicians and urban environmental agency here in Oslo. This is a typical stunt from them; usually they chop down healthy trees to make way for their beloved bike paths. But this time, they chopped down healthy trees so that they can plant cherry trees in their place. Is this hypocrisy? You bet it is. This has happened in other parts of Oslo, where trees have come down to make way for bike paths. And of course we need bike paths so that the entire population of Oslo can bike year-round and not use their cars for transport (the real agenda). We don't need any more bike paths in Oslo; it is not a bike-friendly city and it is nonsense to think that it ever will be. I don't believe for a minute that these lovely trees were sick. I do believe that these 'green people' have an agenda, and that they will stop at nothing in order to achieve their goals. These people are ruining Oslo.

The protected lime trees in Thorvald Meyers gate have been cut down. What's happening?

By Anders Høilund    15. September 2019 00:16

The linden trees (also called lime trees or Tilia) in Thorvald Meyers street, from Nybrua to Olaf Ryes plaza, are history. The annual rings on the 70-80 cm high stumps show that the trees were 20-30 years old.

"I often pass by here, and suddenly one day the trees were gone. I thought, oh my God, what happened. I had previously read in the zoning plan that these trees were to be preserved", says Tom Ole Bergerud.

Bergerud understands that if the trees were sick, it was right to fell them. But the stumps tell a different story--that these were mostly healthy trees.

The stumps left behind after the trees came down are dry and fine and show that the trees were healthy and had a steady growth.

"I understand that sick trees must be felled, but all these trees did not become sick all at one time. The stumps left behind look mostly fine. If the reason for felling them is that the trees interfered with the power lines, then any new trees will do so as well" says Bergerud.

The Thorvald Meyers street zoning plan states that trees to be preserved are marked on the zoning map as 'not allowed to be removed' unless there is documented disease or significant damage to the trees. The lime trees that were felled were marked as preservation-worthy.

The lime trees in Thorvald Meyers street were felled one recent September evening. "The trees that were felled will be replaced by new trees in the spring and autumn of 2020. We will plant cherry trees that have a beautiful pink bloom in the spring. There are no plans for more trees to be felled now", writes Hilde Elisabeth Håve in the Urban Environmental Agency.

Assessment of tree health was carried out by an arborist in the urban environmental agency. There are also requirements in the zoning plan for independent control of the arborist's assessment. This is done by AB Trepleie AS, according to Håve.

“The trees that were felled had poor growth conditions and were characterized by disease. The Urban Environmental Agency applied for an exemption from the regulations, which was granted because the trees' health was so poor, and because it would facilitate the planting of healthy trees in the future. Exemptions from regulatory plans in Oslo are handled by the Planning and Building Agency, Håve writes to Vårt Oslo.

"The trees that stood here were lime. They are easy to prune. Cherry trees are also fine, but why switch to that tree species? I would like to know the reason for that" says Bergerud.

Håve explains that cherry trees were chosen because the municipality has good experience with these trees in streets with limited space, as they are significantly smaller than lime trees.

"Since we had to replace the trees anyway, it was desirable to replace them with smaller trees that are easier to maintain. We do not see that the regulations provide any guidance for species selection or that this is something to be exempted from. The Urban Environmental Agency does not specify that one specific species should be planted or that it must protect those that stand there already, rather, the overall aim of the regulations is that there should be trees in the designated locations" she writes.

One of the reasons the lime trees had to be felled was that they became too large for the pavements in Grünerløkka despite sub-optimal growth conditions. They had grown out to the tram line, and at the same time came too close to house walls, according to Håve in the Urban Environmental Agency.

Tom Ole Bergerud thinks the upgrade of Thorvald Meyers street is commendable, but that the trees could have been kept.

"New trees need time to grow big, which of course will not happen for many years" he says.

Remembering The Cars

Ric Ocasek, the lead singer of The Cars, died this past Sunday; he made it to 75, despite his heart disease. Benjamin Orr, the bass player, died in 2000 of pancreatic cancer. They were the co-founders of The Cars, a band that has special memories for me. About the time I started graduate school in Manhattan (1978), I started working part-time in Greenwich Village at a company that resold collections of books and magazines to libraries and other organizations. I worked in the basement to start with, unpacking the large cartons of books and magazines that were shipped to this company from around the United States. The basement was large, dimly-lit, and packed with boxes. But one memory stands out, and that was that those of us who worked in the basement could listen to the radio, and we did. Two bands stand out in my mind from that time--one of them is The Cars, the other is The Police; their songs got a lot of airplay, and to this day, they remain two of my favorite bands.

I cannot hear their songs without being reminded of that time. I disliked graduate school, but enjoyed my job at this small company. Eventually I made my way up to the office floors, working as an administrative assistant. My boss liked me and I think she would have hired me permanently had I wanted that type of career. But I didn't. In retrospect, who knows? Perhaps I could have been just as happy working in the publishing/book world as I have been in science (at least before it became a bureaucratic world to rival any other). In any case, songs by The Cars and The Police got me through my days, and through that time in my life, which was the beginning of many changes for me, many good, some not. But as always, music got me through the bad times, and The Cars were one of the bands whose songs (still) put me in touch with a myriad of feelings.

Here are some of the ones I really like:

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Caledonia--a beautiful song by Dougie MacLean

I'll be writing a post soon about our Scotland adventure, but before I do, I wanted to post this song--Caledonia (the Latin name for Scotland)--that one of our tour guides played for us when we were driving toward Loch Lomond on the first bus tour that we took during the week we were in Edinburgh. I fell in love with this song; although MacLean wrote it about Scotland, it is a song for all of us who miss our home countries, who feel that longing 'for home' intensely. I can absolutely relate to it. I'm also including the lyrics.

I don't know if you can see
the changes that have come over me
In these past few days I've been afraid
that I might drift away
So I've been telling old stories, singing songs
that make me think about where I came from
and that's the reason why I seem
so far away today

Oh Let me tell you that I love you
that I think about you all the time
Caledonia you're calling me
now I'm going home
and if I should become a stranger
no it would make me more than sad
Caledonia's been everything I've ever had

Oh and I have moved
and I've kept on moving
proved the points
that I needed proving
lost the friends
that I needed losing
found others on the way
Oh and I have tried and kept on trying
stolen dreams yes there's no denying
I've traveled hard with conscience flying
somewhere with the wind

Oh Let me tell you that I love you
that I think about you all the time
Caledonia you're calling me
now I'm going home
and if I should become a stranger
no it would make me more than sad
Caledonia's been everything I've ever had

Now I'm sitting here
before the fire
the empty room
The forest choir
the flames have cooled
don't get any higher
they've withered now
they've gone
and I'm steady thinking
my way is clear
and I know what
I will do tomorrow
When the hands have shaken
And the kisses flowed
and I will disappear

Let me tell you that I love you
that I think about you all the time
Caledonia you're calling me
now I'm going home
and if I should become a stranger
no it would make me more than sad
Caledonia's been everything I've ever had

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Untermyer park and gardens

When I was in NY in August, Stef, John and I visited Untermyer park and gardens, which are located off of Broadway in Yonkers. The gardens have a lovely Hudson River view. This is the link to their website if one wants more information about the gardens:

The website states that "The Untermyer Gardens Conservancy is a non-profit organization that in partnership with the City of Yonkers is facilitating the restoration of Samuel Untermyer’s gardens in Yonkers, New York". 

The gardens are a work in progress, and are already quite lovely. What surprised us was that admission to the gardens was free; we would absolutely have been willing to pay a small fee to enter the gardens. In this way, there would be even more money available for restorations.

The day we visited was a very warm summer day, so we weren't there for more than a couple of hours since it was almost too hot to walk around. Perhaps the best time to visit would be the spring or autumn, when the weather is a bit cooler. But we took a fair amount of photos while we were there, and I'm posting some here so that you can get an idea of what the gardens look like.

one of the pools in the Walled Garden

The Vista

view from the Overlook

The Temple of Love

Hubris and bad behavior

I have begun to reflect on the following--to all those who think that the president's behavior is strong and heroic. You would do well t...