Monday, April 29, 2013
Stream of consciousness at April’s end
Needing sun
desperately needing warmth needing to see thermometer rise tired of cold tired
of aches pains back muscles spring new season goodbye winter freezing my office
ventilation blowing cold air too much thinking about vacation summer planning
need to plan call people arrange dates new york missing always about now need a
dose buying home summer warmth familiar expat life one foot in each country
talking about pensions investments money doctor early retirement work
stagnation strange feelings wistful bittersweet uncertainty future twitter updates learning
following followers science fun new people online world new book poetry coming
new book short stories coming screenplay writer’s block unfinished taking time
too much wishing otherwise escaping movies oblivion perfect name movie star
trek alien science fiction astronomy fascination one-way trip to mars 40,000 applicants
mind-blowing die on mars in space sailing yacht big ocean two people one dead woman
cannot navigate rescue top gear fun guys cars trips bantering humor
entertaining mind moving thousand miles a minute never resting trying to rest
so much to do accomplish challenges fun writing want to succeed leaving behind
looking forward always
Hubris and bad behavior
I have begun to reflect on the following--to all those who think that the president's behavior is strong and heroic. You would do well t...