Wednesday, December 23, 2020

A needed message at Christmas, especially this year

I am sharing a recent article in The Atlantic that I found quite good. I'm including the link to the article here: 

Trump Is Losing His Mind - The Atlantic

This is a paragraph from the article that resonated with me:

There are still things worthy of our love. Honor, decency, courage, beauty, and truth. Tenderness, human empathy, and a sense of duty. A good society. And a commitment to human dignity. We need to teach others—in our individual relationships, in our classrooms and communities, in our book clubs and Bible studies, and in innumerable other settings—why those things are worthy of their attention, their loyalty, their love. One person doing it won’t make much of a difference; a lot of people doing it will create a culture.

Yes, just yes. This is what I have been saying for the past four years in many of my posts about Trump. There is nothing admirable about Trump's in-your-face behavior, about his narcissism, his aggression, his anger, his rawness. He does not emanate empathy or kindness. We don't need more of his kind in society, we need less. We need to tone down the aggression, the chaos, the destruction. We need to change the channel in favor of peace. We need to find stillness so that we can reflect on what went wrong and why a huge number of people voted for a man that under other circumstances they would have kicked to the curb. 

I found, and continue to find it, absolutely appalling that people who call themselves Christians have supported this man, and still do. They are certain that there was voter fraud that allowed Biden to win. It's as though they and the Republican Party are part of a cult, and that scares the hell out of me. Many others have written about this, so I won't belabor the point. Unfortunately, there are young people who have bought into his message, and into the hypocrisy preached by evangelicals who compare Trump to Christ, that he was sent by God to save the USA. What crap. But if you listen long enough to this crap, it starts to seep in like most crap does. And it hynotizes and brainwashes the weak-minded. 

It starts with us. We must promote honor, decency, courage, beauty, and truth. We must show empathy to others, we must be kind. We must 'be' the message of Christmas not only at Christmas, but throughout the year. 

Group thinking and things I've learned along the way

As those who know me know, I don't like group thinking. I don't like being told how or what to think by well-meaning but ultimately ...