Showing posts with label medicine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label medicine. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

The defiant scientist

My friend Jean has dubbed me 'the defiant scientist', following our recent conversation about taking unnecessary medicines/pills that doctors like to push on us--their trusting patients. We had agreed that the pharmaceutical industry and the medical profession are more or less in bed together, and that the former rewards the latter for pushing patients to take what might be unnecessary medicines. Our main discussion happened to be about statins, which doctors in the USA and in Europe are pushing their patients to take at doses that may be too high. And since there are major side effects to statins, one should perhaps be a bit more circumspect when it comes to taking them, or at least taking them at the doses recommended by most doctors. Some of those side effects include muscle pain, liver damage, increased blood sugar or type 2 diabetes, and neurological side effects like memory loss (

Case in point (and the reason why I am the defiant scientist)--I don't just follow anyone's instructions blindly, including a doctor's. I am skeptical at heart and want to test things for myself. That is perhaps due to my scientific research training and background. The word 'defiant' is defined as 'non-compliant......confrontational, challenging'. That would be me, especially the non-compliant part. I was prescribed statins over a year ago, since I have a family history of heart disease (high blood pressure and high cholesterol) on both my mother's and father's sides of the family, with many early deaths on my mother's side. I don't have very high cholesterol levels--they are in the high-normal range, like my blood pressure. But my brother died several years ago of heart disease at a young age (54), so my primary care physician thought it best that I start on statins. I was prescribed a low-dose statin (10 mg each day), but that was too strong for my body and I ended up with unpleasant gastrointestinal issues. So I did what I do with most medications that cause very unpleasant side effects (and what my mother did before me--reduce the dose or stop taking the medicine). Even the Mayo Clinic says--change/lower your dose to reduce some of the side effects, but be aware that to do so may also reduce some of the cholesterol-lowering benefits the medication has. Another option is to take the medication every other day. In my case, I cut my statin dose in half--to 5 mg each day, but took that dose every other day. So I effectively take 2.5 mg each day. Lo and behold, my last blood test showed that I had achieved reduced cholesterol levels, i.e., back-to-normal cholesterol levels, and that's good enough for me. When I was taking 10 mg each day, my HDL (the 'good' cholesterol) levels were nearly zero, and that can't be good; we do need cholesterol since it aids in the production of sex hormones and liver bile production. It's also a building block for human tissues.

My point is that we need to use our heads when we are prescribed medications. We need to read the fine print on the package inserts. We need to arm ourselves with information before we talk to our doctors. We need to learn what the side effects are so that if we are walking around feeling very dizzy from taking blood pressure medication, we can deal with that (stop taking the medication, for example). If we experience breathing problems/anxiety from taking an eye medication, we need to inform the doctor. And so on. Sometimes doctors are not interested in listening to us. I have had that experience with two male doctors, and I have no intention of going back to them. Doctors should be interested in listening to us tell them about the side effects, because they can report back to the pharmaceutical firms that produce them. I will continue to test different doctors until I find one that listens to me, and have done so on several occasions. I have a primary care physician who knows I am a scientist and that I experiment with drug doses if those drugs cause me problems. He has no problems with that, as long as my blood work and other parameters are normal when tested. He was supportive of my decision to stop taking blood pressure medication that made me very dizzy/feel like I was eighty years old. He has been supportive of the reduced statin dose as well. We discuss my health and how to approach treatment of different problems. My point is that if medications produce strange and/or unpleasant side effects, you should not continue to take them; you should rather stop taking them immediately and discuss the issue with your doctor. I understand that most of us might not want to track our blood pressure or cholesterol levels the way that I do, but still, it is important to remain informed, alert, and non-compliant when the need arises. We should not just behave like sheep where the pharmaceutical industry is involved.

Group thinking and things I've learned along the way

As those who know me know, I don't like group thinking. I don't like being told how or what to think by well-meaning but ultimately ...