Thursday, June 3, 2010

House of Mirrors

The world is a house of strangers--
Doors open, I enter in
To begin a new era of my life.

I think, upon meeting a stranger--
I am an unknown, as is he.
He mirrors me; his smile bids me welcome.

I prefer the company of strangers--
Secrets hidden, unprobed for; anonymity.
No price paid for the trying on of many selves.

I look into his eyes, a stranger, knowing
That if I look too deeply I will fall into them,
And so be lost then.

The world greets me as a stranger--
I am welcome in his house
As long as I remain one.......

PM De Angelis
from Parables and Voices

Out In The Country by Three Dog Night

Out in the Country  by Three Dog Night is one of my favorite songs of all time. When I was in high school and learning how to make short mov...