Wednesday, July 15, 2015

A new poem--Summer


Days of puffy clouds
Spread out upon a sunlit blue canvas
Cycling along a country road
Scent of cinnamon from the meadow plants
Along the roadside.

Days of happiness
Spent in summer’s sunshine
Carefree days and long nights
Birds calling to each other young and old
In the trees outside the window.

Days of green grass and leafy trees
A harmony of colors rich and light
The scent of roses and of lilacs
And honeysuckle that grows wild
Untended bushes of perfume.

Days of voluminous gray clouds
Portend the thunderstorms in wait
Misty rain upon the parched plants
Ominous the sound of distant thunder
That brings the cooling rain.

Never quite so happy as in summer
Days of green of peace of sun of light
Days of meaning from doing little more
Than contemplating nature
And the life around us. 

copyright Paula M. De Angelis
July 2015

Decluttering at the start of the new year

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