Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Seals & Crofts - We May Never Pass This Way Again [w/ lyrics]

This song was released in 1973, almost fifty years ago. It is a beautiful song/love song and pure poetry, expressing all the sentiments that many of us have about time passing and the wanting to spend the time we have on earth with those you love. The song makes you reflect on your life and your relationships, as did so much of the music we grew up with. 

The majority of music at present is not like this. It is harsher and more superficial. Perhaps it reflects the times we live in. There are a few exceptions, but by and large commercial hits with little substance are the norm. Artists make their money and move on. Some of them are one-hit wonders. I will try and find some of the exceptions; I know they exist. 

Will Smith - Men In Black (Video Version)

Fun movie and fun video! One of the best ever movie songs....... Like I've written about so many times before, there are always connecti...