Showing posts with label Republican Party. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Republican Party. Show all posts

Monday, October 12, 2020

The party of morality (NOT)

A friend of mine who is a Trump supporter posted this on Facebook yesterday, and I'm posting it here just to show you the cluelessness of some Republicans. They actually believe they are the party of morality and that they are immune to criticism, but they open themselves up for snappy retorts, which they will get here. 

And this was my response to him, plus a few others that I came up with: 

  • My Faithful Husband (Or Sleeping with Porn Stars) by Melania Trump
  • Things I Love About Donald by Ivana Trump
  • Things I Love About Ivana by Donald Trump
  • Corona Virus for Dummies by Donald Trump 
  • The Greatest Reality Show (the Best Ever) by Donald Trump
  • How to Treat Women Well by Steve Bannon
  • White Female Privilege by Steve Bannon
  • My Book on Morals by Newt Gingrich
  • Pretty Fly for a White Guy by Mike Pence
  • Blowhards We Know and Love by Sean Hannity
  • Some Pretty Fine People co-authored by the Boogaloo Boys and the Proud Boys

I'll add more as I come up with them. This is fun! Gotta have that sense of humor. The Republican Party is NOT the party of morality, even though they like to paint themselves that way. Let's be honest, folks, the GOP started the whole circus by impeaching Bill Clinton in 1998. That was quite the witch hunt. Clinton may have lied under oath, but 45 has perfected lying. And what about his insistence that Barack Obama was not born in the USA and then harassing him about his birth certificate? Trump lies whenever he opens his mouth. I don't think he knows whether he is living inside of his lies or outside of them.   

If you, my readers, come up with some good ones, I'll post them here and give you credit. Let's keep adding to the list!

Group thinking and things I've learned along the way

As those who know me know, I don't like group thinking. I don't like being told how or what to think by well-meaning but ultimately ...