Showing posts with label animal abuse. Show all posts
Showing posts with label animal abuse. Show all posts

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Cultivating an image that is false

In keeping with yesterday's post, today I'm writing about countries that love to think of themselves as the 'best' in all things. Of course most intelligent adults dismiss such claims as nonsense, since there are no perfect countries, and no one country that is the 'best' compared to others. And yet, Norway likes to think of itself as the best country in the world to live in. Yes, it is a good country to live in--it is wealthy, it has universal healthcare and relatively inexpensive university education. All those things lead to an improved standard of living for a country's inhabitants. But no one country is the best country in the world, not the USA either. Wealth is not everything, and 'good' is one thing, whereas 'best' is another. Norway has its share of problems, among them a controversial immigration policy that differs very little from that in the USA, corruption in politics, green party hypocrisy, a high tax rate that I consider almost immoral, contempt for politicians, air pollution, diseased farmed salmon, a gap between rich and poor that is increasing day by day, sexual harassment like in other countries, and workplace bullying and sexism like in other countries. Many Norwegians are fond of criticizing the USA for many of its social policies (or lack thereof), its greed, its brutal corporate mentality, and its politics. Yet, in many ways, it is no better than the USA. It just likes to think that it is.

When I lived in the USA, I was vocal in my critique of my country and of the things I found disturbing, unethical or just plain wrong. I was well aware of my country's problems and still am (I am no Trump fan and MAGA holds little appeal for me). I will defend my country in spite of its faults, but will not pretend that it has no faults. I expect Europeans to do the same concerning their countries, but often they prefer to criticize my country and not their own. In the face of countries that present false images to the rest of the world, I will open my mouth to present the other side. Because if you as a European criticize my country but not your own, then you will hear from me about that. I am not going to take your criticism of my country lying down.

The following article demolishes the idyllic image that Norwegians have presented to the world about themselves as being gentle farmers and caretakers of animals. I am sure that there are Norwegians who think that animal abuse in their country is non-existent. This article will prove just how wrong they are. Having said that, I know that there are many gentle and good Norwegian farmers as well, and I feel sorry for those who take good care of their animals and are kind to them. Because the following expose is quite disturbing; the article is entitled: Pork industry's secrets revealed  Again, hats off to the journalists and socially-engaged individuals who work to expose their country's problems and to change the societies they live in. They literally risk their lives in some instances. They provide the counterbalance to the daily propaganda that is fed us.

Group thinking and things I've learned along the way

As those who know me know, I don't like group thinking. I don't like being told how or what to think by well-meaning but ultimately ...