- A different and better diagnosis for a dear friend whose doctor gave her a depressing diagnosis in a manner totally unbecoming for a professional—cavalier and unfeeling. My new year’s wish for her doctor? That he spend some time in her shoes to see how it feels to suffer the anxiety of having to wait until the middle of January to hear if he was mistaken or not, because he is no expert and should never have given her any sort of diagnosis in the first place
- To find a way to be with my family and friends in the States so that I don’t have to wait until retirement to see them more
- Better lives for those close to me who have problems maintaining their standards of living, due to circumstances beyond their control
- To find a way to do what I love so that I can quit what I no longer love. I wish that for those I love as well
- That we find and restore balance to our daily lives: work is work, home is home. We need both and we need to find time for both. Work should not usurp the role of family and friends
- That the workplace does not continue to be the church where we worship. That we find our way back to our real churches and turn our backs on the worship of money, greed and competition
- That ‘God grant me the serenity to accept what I cannot change, the courage to change what should be changed, and wisdom to know the difference’ (Serenity Prayer)
Monday, December 23, 2013
What I want for Christmas
Hubris and bad behavior
I have begun to reflect on the following--to all those who think that the president's behavior is strong and heroic. You would do well t...