Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Meeting of minds---a new poem

Meeting of minds

Carving out a niche in time
Each evening when darkness descends
Amidst all the busywork
To meet the masters of yesteryear
Ripples in the collective unconscious
A stirring in the great cerebral hall of fame

A room of one’s own
Awaits those who seek 
Difficult to find
Amidst the many cluttered passages
In the vast house
Remember the path inward

In dreams a path remembered
Door opened in childhood
Leading me inward
Onward toward the masters
Swirling in the mist above
Flying high above grasping hands

Consolation, not alone
A world of minds exists apart
Unknown except to few
Who hold the secret close
To grateful hearts  
A world unlike any other

Copyright 2014
Paula M. De Angelis

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Bird's eye view and mine too

Some different photos from this past week--watching the magpies from my kitchen window congregate on the rooftops and chimney of the buildings across the street. And then watching the incredible cloud formations and the plane that made its way across them. 

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Patterns and beauty

I took this photo of a halved red cabbage a while ago, and posted it on a photography blog that was active some years ago. I no longer post to it, but the other day, I received an email telling me that someone had commented on this older photo (see below). It was a very nice comment, telling me that it was 'great that I celebrated the red cabbage'. The commenter went on to tell me that her faith in God had been restored while chopping red cabbage, because of its sheer beauty, and that she was surprised that she had not noticed its beauty before, because here was the proof she needed that God existed. I agree. It is the lovely patterns in the cabbage that amaze me. Beauty in the humblest of things.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

So much wild beauty at Rockwood

This past August, when I was driving around in Tarrytown and Sleepy Hollow, I revisited Rockwood Hall State Park, which was simply Rockwood to us when we hung out there as teenagers. The park, which is located in the town of Sleepy Hollow, faces out onto the Hudson River; you can read more about its history here: http://www.nynjtc.org/hike/rockwood-hall-sleepy-hollow. I've written about Rockwood before in this blog, about how beautiful it was many years ago, and how if we just wanted to get away from it all for a few hours, that was the place we drove to so that we could walk and talk, especially during the summers. One of my last hikes through the park before I moved away from Tarrytown was during the early spring, when the grounds and trees were just starting to recover from a cold winter. The park hasn't changed much in all these years; in fact, if anything, it's more overgrown and wilder than it was before. One thing that was new was that there were wooden benches placed here and there for those who want to just sit and rest or read, as I saw one young man doing. But it's the wildness about it that I love--the overgrown bushes and trailing vines, the many trees, the open meadows, the lush greenery, and the gorgeous views of the Hudson River. I met one or two other visitors on my walk, but otherwise I had the park mostly to myself on this sunny August afternoon. I enjoyed being alone on a warm summer day, happy to be outdoors and to be back in a place that meant a lot to me as a teenager. I'm including some photos of Rockwood as it looked in August, as well as a photo collage of Rockwood from over thirty years ago, taken during the month of March.

Hudson River and view of the lovely Palisades

Tappan Zee Bridge in the distance

Monday, September 22, 2014

Remembering my mother on her birthday

Had my mother still been alive, today would have been her 94th birthday. Unfortunately, she passed away in 2001. The cause of death was sepsis, which is not a very uncommon cause of death among elderly people for reasons that are not well-known. My mother had been in very good health until she neared her 78th year; I can recall only two times in her entire adult life when she was hospitalized, once for a viral infection in her middle ear, and the other for an operation to remove an inflamed appendix. When she was in her late seventies, she began to have problems with her back. She was eventually diagnosed with osteoarthritis of the spine, again, not an unexpected diagnosis for many of the elderly. Having been a great walker for most of her life, my guess is that she looked ahead and did not like what she saw—a future with limited opportunities for walking, perhaps the use of a wheelchair and/or walker—in short, a more restricted life than the one to which she was accustomed. She was independent and stubborn; when she was hospitalized initially for medical tests, she was in good spirits and was sure she would be able to return to her old life. Sadly, that was not the case. She ended up at a care center so that she could undergo physical therapy to get her back on her feet again. For some reason, she became quite stubborn (more so than usual) and refused that help. And that refusal was her undoing. Had she worked at her physical therapy, she might still be alive today. All these many years later, I understand that she simply could not accept the idea that she would be dependent upon anyone or anything, and the idea that she was suddenly infirm did not appeal to her. My mother had no patience for being old, for the various small irritations and physical limitations of old age. She was vehement about not giving in to old age. What is surprising is that she did not understand her role in her own recovery, even when it was explained to her; had she taken the reins and insisted upon therapy, had she done what it took to get better, she might still be alive. But she had no personal experience with chronic or long-term illness, even though she had taken care of my father, who had debilitating heart disease, until his death. Taking care of him had not prepared her for suddenly being afflicted herself. Her two brief hospital stays must have convinced her to get out of the hospital and back home as fast as possible. I understand her at the same time that I question her actions during the last few months of her life. But I accept what happened even though I don’t understand completely what happened.

In the intervening years, there have been other illnesses and deaths--family members and friends alike—and I have had a chance to witness first-hand how these people tackled the illnesses that preceded their deaths. Illness does some surprising things to people. Some of them simply accepted their diagnoses and the accompanying conditions, others fought against them. Those who fought were mostly younger or middle-aged people. I also know older people who have done what it takes to get well, who were assertive about getting back on their feet again; interestingly, they are still with us. I've also known older people who did what they had to do to get well, but death took them anyway. Along the way, I've learned that you simply cannot know how you would think or feel if faced with a similar situation. And until you step into the shoes of a person who is ill (with a terminal diagnosis or long-term illness) you have no real idea of what they’re going through. It’s best to be there for them, to help out, to listen, to advise when asked for advice, to offer hope, to be positive, even if we don't always understand their situation or their response to it. Not much more is asked of us. 

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Hot air balloon flying over Oslo

I happened to be looking out my kitchen window late this afternoon, and I saw a hot air balloon straight ahead of me. On closer inspection with my new telephoto zoom camera lens, I saw that it was a commercial balloon advertising the company Steria, an information technology company with headquarters in France. It has operations in many different European countries, including Norway. I took a fair number of photos as it ascended and descended; at one point, as it passed by close to our apartment building, I could actually hear the noise of the hot air as it was vented. The photos I took are somewhat misleading and interesting as a result, as some of them look as though the balloon was actually in contact with an apartment building, a suspended wire of some kind, and a chimney stack. I was pleased that I was able to get some good photos as it passed by us. Here are some of them:

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Thinking about waves...........

Thinking about waves this week, must be because I posted my new poem Wave yesterday. The word stays with me. And this song comes to mind---Waves by Mr. Probz. Enjoy........

Monday, September 15, 2014

Wave (a new poem)

In the autumn of her twenty-seventh year
Life took another road
As she remembers it
The darkness of discovery, the shock
The sheer affront of upset
Cast into an arena
From which she would emerge
Years later
Stronger, wiser
But not without those intervening times
That tossed her unprepared
Into a sea of angst
The need to change, how hard
To meet the onslaught of the waves
That threatened drowning at every turn
Labored breathing
Struggling to swim, not knowing how
Alone at sea

Sometimes in dreams
The waves were huge, tsunami-like
Rolling in over sea and land 
Nowhere to run
No land high enough to scramble to
Flooded, smacked flat
Watching from a distance
As the gray wild water roiled
Spitting, angry
Waiting for the wall of water
To roll over all in its path
Alone on land 

Copyright 2014
Paula M. De Angelis

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Four songs by Deep Forest

This is a Deep Forest kind of day for me--I wanted to hear these songs again and to share them with you. They made such an unforgettable impression on me when I first heard them in the 1990s--reaching inside me to grab my heart. Enjoy........

Forest Hymn

The Sound of Africa

Sweet Lullaby

Night Bird

Monday, September 8, 2014

September update

For those of you who may be reading my blog for the first time, I sometimes use my blog to promote the books I've written. I haven't done that in a while, so today's post will be one of those times. I'm the author of two books of poetry and two books about modern workplaces. You'll find all my books here on my Amazon author page: http://www.amazon.com/PhD-Paula-M.-De-Angelis/e/B002BM8OLW

Thank you for your support and encouragement.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Twenty-seven years ago (a new poem)

Twenty-seven years ago
Wednesday early August
Left New York City for London
British Caledonian night flight
An airline that exists no longer
Her first trip abroad
Landed early morning Thursday
Her hotel on Charlwood Street
1850s building
Charming bed and breakfast
Recommended by student travel guide
Attic room with shower down the hallway
Almost Dickensian

Sunlit dining room on first floor
Her first English breakfast
Served by owners, Italian couple
Pork sausage, collar bacon, tomato, fried egg, toast, and marmalade
Had waited years for that
Anglophile parents leave their mark
English afternoon tea was yet to come

Plans to sightsee London
Friday morning bus tour atop a double-decker
Open upper deck, blue skies and puffy clouds
It mostly rains in Britain she was told
Not so when she was there
Big Ben, Parliament, Westminster Abbey
Tower of London, Tower Bridge, Buckingham Palace
Trafalgar Square and Piccadilly Circus
Then she commenced her walking tour
Through Hyde Park to Oxford Street
And then to Piccadilly Circus, Leicester Square
Fed the pigeons at Trafalgar Square
Like so many other tourists
Heart-touched by that experience
Visited St. Martin in the Field Church
Near Trafalgar Square
With its bookstore in the crypt
And walked to Charing Cross Road
To see for real what she had only pictured
Since seeing 84 Charing Cross Road
With Anne Bancroft and Anthony Hopkins
Down to the Thames River
To Cleopatra’s Needle
Found her way to Strand Street
St. Mary Le Strand Church
Met Kirsten the proprietor, lovely chat, lovely woman
Onward to Covent Garden to see the shops and bookstores
Then Parliament and Big Ben
Westminster Abbey--strange feeling standing on the graves
Of monks who suffered the Black Death
Lunch on the grass in St. James Park
Tomato, cucumber and cheese sandwich on Italian bread
Evening descended, daylight remained
Odeon Cinema in Leicester Square
Timothy Dalton’s Bond--The Living Daylights
Took a London-style black taxi back to Charlwood Street
A tourist in Britain

Early Saturday meet-up at Grosvenor Hotel
Bus tour 20 to Stonehenge, Salisbury and Bath
Twenty-three pounds took her to Salisbury Cathedral
Then on to Stonehenge in Wiltshire
Disappointed—small, too many tourists
Wanted vastness, overwhelming, otherworldly
Last stop Bath in southwest England
Hanging flower arrangements, beautiful
Ancient Roman Baths, ancient history
Thousands of years ago
Ate lunch in nearby restaurant
Lamb, potatoes, carrots and mint sauce, rice pudding for dessert
Back in London late
Took care of hotel reception, answered phones
For owners while they went out
Mutual trust felt safe
They looked out for her

Sunday morning train to Cambridge
From Liverpool Street Station
On her way to Cambridge University
Science conference with colleagues
Lovely ride through English countryside
Met Wynn from London, so kind
Her daughter and granddaughter in Cambridge
They drove her to the university
Lovely people in Britain, her father was right
He spent three wartime years in England

Conference registration at Corn Exchange
Large hall fit for meetings and concerts
Imagined farmers selling corn there
Dormitory room in Wolfson Building, monastic
Bed, desk, chair—little more than that
But more than enough for her
Meals in Trinity College dining hall
Sat at long wooden tables reminding of Oliver Twist
And later Harry Potter
Under the watchful gaze of Henry VIII
Beef in burgundy sauce, excellent wine
Post-dinner visit to Trinity College Pub with colleagues
No problem sleeping afterward

Five-day conference, a setting
No one could forget, ever
Home to brilliance in so many fields
Watson and Crick, Darwin, Hawking, Newton
Among the scientific luminaries
Mind-expanding atmosphere
Morning and evening talks, afternoons free
Pub life after hours, some great dinners and social life
Punting on the river Cam with colleagues
Climbing over a hundred steps in St. Mary’s Church bell tower
To see the city—breathtaking
Walking along the college backs, taking photos
Drinking afternoon tea at an outdoor café
Finally--scones and jam and clotted cream
What she’d dreamed about from early on
A tall blond man from northern Europe
Sat down next to her in St. John’s pub
Talked to her about sitting in churches to find peace
The darkness of the Cambridge streets
Kissed her when he walked her home
Still together
Twenty-seven years later


Copyright 2014 Paula M. De Angelis

Life of Pi, The Wild Robot, and Conclave--all excellent films

Traveling to and from the USA gives me the opportunity to catch up on my movies on the plane. On my recent flights to and from New York, I w...