Saturday, March 11, 2023
Wednesday, September 30, 2020
Problems, pain, and the mind-body connection
I've been thinking a lot about this lately and have recently discussed it with one of my younger friends who suffers from arthritis and other health issues. The mind-body connection is strong and not to be ignored. Of course sometimes we don't create our own problems; sometimes they are dumped on us by others, or sometimes we simply have no choice. For example, if a loved one becomes very sick and/or dies, there can be all sorts of problems that will impact us in a painful way. I know that's not what Tolle is referring to; he's referring more to our daily lives and how to keep unnecessary pain at bay by not creating mountains out of molehills. Or by not getting involved in others' dramas and idiocy. And he's right. It's just remembering that piece of advice that is the problem. Not always easy.
Tuesday, September 29, 2020
Stillness and inner peace
This is what I wish for personally and for all the people I know and love. There is not enough inner peace, not enough stillness in these times. Without them, craziness reigns.
Wednesday, December 26, 2018
Insights about forgiveness
It requires honesty to see whether you still harbor grievances, whether there is someone in your life you have not completely forgiven, an "enemy." If you do, become aware of the grievance both on the level of thought as well as emotion, that is to say, be aware of the thoughts that keep it alive, and feel the emotion that is the body's response to those thoughts. Don't try to let go of the grievance. Trying to let go, to forgive, does not work. Forgiveness happens naturally when you see that it has no purpose other than to strengthen a false sense of self, to keep the ego in place. The seeing is freeing. Jesus' teaching to "Forgive your enemies" is essentially about the undoing of one of the main egoic structures in the human mind. The past has no power to stop you from being present now. Only your grievance about the past can do that. And what is a grievance? The baggage of old thought and emotion.
~Eckhart Tolle (A New Earth pg.66)
Friday, December 5, 2014
What Eckhart Tolle said
Group thinking and things I've learned along the way
As those who know me know, I don't like group thinking. I don't like being told how or what to think by well-meaning but ultimately ...