Showing posts with label lower back pain. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lower back pain. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

The benefits of doing yoga exercises

I found this short article, Yoga Eases Symptoms of Chronic Low Back Pain, at It's quite interesting, as I just started doing yoga exercises in January. I am not practicing yoga, only doing the exercises, and I am only doing the simple exercises, but have already discovered that I feel more relaxed and have less lower back pain after doing them. I will keep on doing them to see if these effects are long-lasting. Many of the yoga exercises remind me of the types of stretching exercises I used to do for my modern dance classes years ago. The fact that I can still do many of these exercises makes me feel quite good, after many years of not doing them.

Yoga Eases Symptoms of Chronic Low Back PainImage via: Yoga Eases Symptoms of Chronic Low Back Pain

Interesting viewpoint from Charles Bukowski

Charles Bukowski wrote this poem about rising early versus sleeping late..... Throwing Away the Alarm Clock my father always said, “early to...