Saturday, April 30, 2022

I Worried, a poem by Mary Oliver

I Worried

by Mary Oliver

I worried a lot. Will the garden grow, will the rivers

flow in the right direction, will the earth turn

as it was taught, and if not how shall

I correct it?

Was I right, was I wrong, will I be forgiven,

can I do better?

Will I ever be able to sing, even the sparrows

can do it and I am, well,


Is my eyesight fading or am I just imagining it,

am I going to get rheumatism,

lockjaw, dementia?

Finally I saw that worrying had come to nothing.

And gave it up. And took my old body

and went out into the morning,

and sang.

Friday, April 29, 2022

Spot on

Par for the course for Wiley Miller and Non Sequitur to be spot on. Today's comic strip.......

Thursday, April 28, 2022

My device by Michael Leunig

Sums up my thoughts and feelings about being disconnected from the world of cell phones and computers (at least for a few hours) when I am lucky enough to spend time outdoors or in my garden. The cartoon is called My device and was drawn by Michael Leunig. 

Wednesday, April 27, 2022

My blog posts about My Brilliant Friend

For those of you who are just now discovering the HBO series My Brilliant Friend, I can say that you are in for a real treat. I've watched all three seasons to date; the fourth season has been announced and production is underway, with new actresses to play the parts of Elena and Lila. I'm very much looking forward to the new season. The series is directed by Saverio Costanzo, Alice Rohrwacher, and Daniele Luchetti. And if you want to start with the books by Elena Ferrante on which the series is based, you can find them on Amazon and Barnes & Noble. 

Here are two posts I wrote in 2019 and 2020 about the books and the series respectively; I'm posting them again today: 

A New Yorker in Oslo: Elena Ferrante's brilliant Neapolitan quadrilogy (

A New Yorker in Oslo: My Brilliant Friend is a brilliant HBO series (

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

What is there to miss?

There is nothing that I miss about the work world I left behind. There are however several people who seem to be 'waiting' for me to say that I miss working and miss my former workplace. Every time I'm together with them they ask me if I miss working. The answer is always no. I reassure them that I made the right decision since they seem to be worried that I made the wrong decision. They seem to think that they know me better than I know myself. I tell them that wild horses could not drag me back to what was. I've learned (finally) to let go and to live in the present. My workplace belongs to the past. I don't worry about the past and I cannot predict nor do anything about the future, so the best place to live is in the present. I jokingly say that I retired to spend more time in my garden. But it's really the truth. My garden is my happy place. 

I was speaking with one former colleague yesterday since we still socialize from time to time. She had just gotten off the phone with another former colleague who updated her on all the doings at my former workplace. Summa summarum--nothing has changed. Nothing will change. The big egos are still running the show, rude as ever to the researchers they deem worthless (those who don't drag in a ton of money). Rude also to the clinicians who are doing research (or trying to) in addition to their clinical duties. What is there to miss about this type of workplace? Egotistical arrogant superficial uninteresting people (the majority of whom are men). They think they are going to live forever and carry on as though they will. And they can do so for my sake. I don't care a whit about them. 

I also grew weary of the bureaucratic systems that were built up around the practice of science. There are forms to fill out and online systems to learn at every turn. Work life in the public healthcare system is simply about having your every move tracked by one or another system. As my husband says, they exist because there is no longer any trust between employers and employees. He's right. I suppose there are any number of employees who are scoundrels, who cheat the system if they can get away with it, who abuse it and thereby abuse fellow colleagues (in my experience it has been top leadership that has abused the system but that is another story). So the systems grew out of that mistrust. However, the systems now exist by and for themselves. It is very important as a researcher to know how the accounting and ordering departments work in detail, something that has never particularly interested me. I grew up professionally at a time when these departments were support systems for us. Now they dominate the work lives of most researchers, who already use a large amount of time reporting to the granting agencies that give them money to do research. Updating the latter is important, I grant that, but it is not necessary to update them several times a year. Once a year is enough. 

Many pathologists with whom I used to work are leaving the public healthcare system for private labs. I can totally understand this. I wish I had left the public healthcare system years ago. Thankfully there are more private research labs to choose among at present, so that younger researchers don't have to tolerate what we older researchers had to tolerate. The private labs are efficient; they don't waste time on endless meetings and they let their employees do their jobs. A friend of mine, who is now retired, put it this way; he said that all he wanted to do was go to work and do the job he was paid to do. But he couldn't, because he had a boss who insisted that he go to useless meetings and learn administrative systems for which he had little use. What is the point of all of this? He told me that this emphasis on administrative systems is now called New Office Management. Whoopee. I suppose it replaces New Public Management? Who the heck knows, and who the heck cares?

Life has different stages, different chapters. Best to start a new chapter when you have the health and presence of mind to do so. Best to start anew with a sense of anticipation, of fun, of adventure. So no, I don't regret retiring. I transitioned into a new life, one that I'm grateful for and one that makes me happy. If other people don't accept that, that's their problem, not mine. 

Monday, April 18, 2022

The need for peace

This is so true. The 'tired' that requires peace is the type of tiredness that I experienced on a daily basis for the past decade, before I retired. Weariness of soul is another way of describing the tiredness. There is no such thing as peace in modern workplaces, no such thing as respect or understanding for those who enjoy working alone and for those who tend toward introversion. No, you must be on all the time, available all the time, willing to attend pointless meetings ad nauseam and willing to be a team player. If you don't like any of these, you won't thrive. There is no longer any support for differences between people; we must all be the same, like the same things, feel the same way, and agree on specific issues even when we don't agree. Honesty is not valued; conformity is. Leaders don't want to hear the truth, they just want you to agree with what they want and decide. Many modern workplaces are just unhealthy places to be, causing anxiety, distress and negativity. They wear you down. 

In 2016 I was blessed with a considerably-sized garden plot in a local allotment garden. It has given me peace and the chance to reflect on different things while I do the work that the garden requires. There is nothing else like it for the chance to know happiness and true peace. 

Thursday, April 7, 2022

The World I Live In by Mary Oliver

A beautiful poem by Mary Oliver......

I have refused to live

locked in the orderly house of

     reasons and proofs.

The world I live in and believe in

is wider than that. And anyway,

     what’s wrong with Maybe?

You wouldn’t believe what once or

twice I have seen. I’ll just

     tell you this:

only if there are angels in your head will you

     ever, possibly, see one.

Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Blooming in the absence of competition

“A flower does not think of competing with the flower next to it. It just blooms.”

– Zen Shin

I like this thought. If we all could just bloom and shine according to our individual talents and God-given potential rather than compete in a destructive way, the world would be a better place. However, having said that, I have witnessed competition in the plant world. Two geranium plants in one pot will eventually lead to one of them thriving and the other dying; one outcompetes the other for survival given limited resources. So the natural world is not free from competition for survival. However, plants seem to have adapted to a system of peaceful coexistence much better than we humans, for the most part. 

Friday, April 1, 2022

If you can't say something nice

My mother used to tell us children 'if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all'. It wasn't her expression, it's apparently an Aesop quote that found its way into the general vernacular many years ago. But it's as relevant now as it was all those years ago in ancient Greece. I was reminded of this quote when I heard about Chris Rock's diss of Jada Pinkett Smith's appearance at the recent Oscar's celebration. Neither she nor her husband Will Smith (who reacted badly) need my defense and this post is not about them or what happened. It is about what one has the right to say and not to say publicly. My take on it is this. You do not have the right as a comedian to joke about anyone else's appearance, be they women or men. You do not comment on their height, weight, attractiveness, baldness, facial characteristics, way of speaking, etc. You just do not do this. We learned this as children and we learned it early on. We did not do this at home, in school, or when out in public. If some few children did this, they were punished. As we got older (pre-teenagers) it suddenly became alright in different peer groups to comment on people's looks or intelligence and to sometimes mob them for it. It's hard to stop that in schools as we all know, even though it causes a lot of pain for the victims of such abuse. It comes down to how you were raised; if you were raised by parents who had empathy for others, you learned empathy at home. You understood that this person was poor or elderly, in difficult life circumstances, another sick, another a widow or widower, another the victim of spousal abuse, and so forth. As a child, you learned to have compassion for others. This was how we were raised, and how my closest and dearest friends were raised. Sarcasm was not often employed in the way we communicated with each other. We could criticize the behavior of others, yes, but we did not resort to calling others ugly, stupid, fat ass, or any other derogatory comments that are often bandied about in today's world. 

If you as a comedian want to comment or be self-deprecating about your own height, weight, attractiveness, baldness, facial characteristics, way of speaking, etc, feel free. We can choose to listen to you and laugh (or not). The point is that we can choose. Many male and female comedians made the rounds on the television circuit doing just that--Rodney Dangerfield, Don Rickles, and Phyllis Diller come to mind. Were they funny? Sometimes. But one could get tired of it. They joked about their wives and husbands too, but it was clear that they had the permission to do so. It wasn't just sprung on an unsuspecting audience. 

It is the same in our personal lives. Many people find it very uncomfortable to sit in the presence of couples whose only form of communication is to belittle their significant other via so-called humor. It's not humor, it's passive-aggressive behavior and it's unkind. It's hurtful. In some cases it's abusive. It's also extremely dishonest. If you cannot be honest with your partner about something that is bothering you, then that is your problem. And rest assured it is a problem. Having dealt with a passive-aggressive workplace for many years, I can attest to how destructive such behavior actually is; bosses who 'joked' at the expense of their employees, who were unkind via their so-called humor. None of it was funny. In group situations it was mortifying, since some bosses had their particular favorites whom they enjoyed hacking at. Those of us who defended the recipients of such behavior against the bosses also came in for our share of harassment. I have few good memories of most of the leaders I encountered in my former workplace. Most were men, some few were women; women could often be as unkind as the men were, just so that's clear. 

There are kind ways to criticize others, there are kind ways to instruct others. None of them involve publicly disparaging people or publicly making fun of them. The few times I had to criticize one or two employees who worked for me, I called them into my office for a private chat. No one else knew about what I wanted to say. The discussion was between me and the other person. I could say that I didn't like their behavior or attitude toward others in the research group; I could encourage them to alter the way they behaved. If they didn't do that, the consequence was that we ended our professional association. I was not unkind, just firm. They understood that and also understood that I was not out to get them. And in both cases they altered their behavior for the better. 

We come back to the idea of being nice. It does not mean being weak. It does not mean that others have the right to walk all over nice people. Nice is not the same as 'woke', although if we've come to the point in society where wokeness is the only thing that forces people to examine their unkind and unjust behavior, then it serves a purpose. I believe that one should 'do unto others as you would have them do unto you'. That's the Golden Rule and I think society should remember it. And those who think they're cool by being mean, try keeping your mouths shut. 'Silence is golden'. 


Life of Pi, The Wild Robot, and Conclave--all excellent films

Traveling to and from the USA gives me the opportunity to catch up on my movies on the plane. On my recent flights to and from New York, I w...